Thursday, April 29, 2010

Last Regular Season Game @ the Igloo

Marc's Adventures of the last regular season game ever at the Igloo.

For some reason while I work I noticed that I forgot to bring my camera. Did I think that my iPhone camera was going to be sufficient enough? Not sure where my head was at when I left this house this morning. Now usually I don't ever go the whole way back to my neighborhood on the day of a Pens game because it's a waste of gas and time but the more I thought about it the more I knew that I was definitely going to need it. I planned that if I shot out of here a bit early I could make it back before Matt even left the area. It would actually be easier this way because we wouldn't have either of our cars at a mid-point destination. So I called Matt and let him know what was up. I made it home got my camera that I knew I had recently charged. I grabbed my booze and made a quick drink while I waited for him to show and shortly we were on our way. First stop was Sheetz to get some drinks and grub.

I saw a funny thing as we walked in the Sheetz. Some lady in a huge SUV decided to park her self right on the lined off space where the handi cap ramp was. This always get my goat for some reason. Why do these SUV driving a-holes think it's ok? Because no one has the guts to call them on it? I stood right in front of it though and pulled out my camera. I made sure to speak loudly as I tapped Matt on the shoulder as I started taking pictures and said 'Hey good thing my wheel chair bound grandma isn't here'. As the lady got out and walked towards the door, that made sure she knew she was busted. I heard her mutter something like 'I didn't even notice' and to her credit she did get into her vehicle and move to a properly designated spot. Consider my civic duty done for the day. ;) We got our supplies and headed down 22 to the arena.

We parked in our normal parking area and got out to start tailgating. It was a little rainy but it wasn't too bad. We stuffed our faces with our Sheetz and got into a Pens game kind of mode. It's almost game time. Time to walk down.

We knew we were getting these commemorative tickets but I didn't realize how awesome they were going to be. They ran a video later between periods that showed the company that made them and how they did it. It was all very impressive. I was glad to get one. I saw berfore the game how much tickets were going for but I knew I was never going to sell these. Included was a coupon to go back to the company and get our actual section, row and seat engraved on. I might do that someday.

Since this was the last game they had a whole ceremony planned out. Mario invited 50 former Penguins back for this event. They laid out some carpet on the ice and called them all out together. There were some good memories stirred up. I recorded some video of it.

As for the game, that was awesome too. I have never been to a Pens game where we have played the NY Islanders and lost yet. First Pd we score 30 secs in and just rolled from there. It seems when I get in a groove I just give off good energy and the crowd around me knows it. In the 3rd period they played an arena favorite, Coton Eyed Joe, and even though I'm not a dancer I got up and started jamming. A few seconds later there I was on the Jumbrotron in front of every one getting down. Everyone around me went nuts as they all saw it and I got plenty of high fives and pats on the back. The guy next to us commented that he hopes we stay seated next to each other when we move to the new arena because he loves sitting next to us. I think the camera guys have learned where I'm at too because I have discovered if I just make an idiot out of myself, they film me. This was not the first time I was on the screen but it was the best. The absolute perfect memory for this arenas send off.

After we destroyed the Islanders 7-3 we stayed for the famous last game of every year post game ceremony, the Shirt 's Off Their Backs. All the Pens come out still wearing their jerseys and in numerical they take a photo with the winner, remove their jersey and sign it, and then give it to you. So far I've been to 3 last games in a row and not won yet but it's still exciting.

I ended up going 8-4-1 this year in games I attended. I'll post my lifetime numbers here when I have them readily available.

I'm sad to see this arena go. It's the only one I've ever really known but it is kind of crappy and falling apart. It's a bummer to think about but after a season in the new arena I won't even remember it that much. I'm glad I took a lot of pictures over the years. I know some people are trying to save it for some reason but we need to move on. The new arena will be kick ass and I can't wait for it but thanks Civic Arena (I never switched what I called it) for hosting our Pens all these years!!

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