Monday, June 16, 2014

Pens Stanley Cup record

Pens have been to the Cup finals 4 times [1991, 1992, 2008, 2009]

Pens have won it all 3 times [1991, 1992, 2009]

Record by game:
Game 1 - 1-3
Game 2 - 2-2
Game 3 - 3-1
Game 4 - 3-1
Game 5 - 2-1
Game 6 - 2-1
Game 7 - 1-0

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Current Record

I love figuring this stuff out. Currently I have been to 83 Pens games. I am W53-L23-OTL6-T1
I will attend my 100th Pens game by the end of next year.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Game #35 Panthers W5-2

Keep on rolling

We had a set back last week when we faced 2 of our division rivals but we started off this week just fine and continue to roll with another big win heading into our first match up against our hated rivals (and Winter Classic opponent) Washington Capitals.
I knew my friend Drew Carter was coming up for holidays and I asked him a while back if he wanted to go with me to this game. Of course he did but he needed to work out his trip schedule as this would be a day or so earlier than what he originally anticipated coming up. Luckily he was able to swing this and he left the day before so he had plenty of time to get up here and get back into sorts (after the 12 hour drive). He was right on time picking me up and as usual we loaded up on foods and drinks and headed down to the lot. recap

  • Ben Lovejoy scored the first goal of his NHL career (31 games) and added his first fight for good measure before leaving the game after taking a shot to the face.
  • Matt Cooke scored in consecutive games for the first time since March 27-28, 2010.
  • Brent Johnson earned the victory and was credited with an assist before leaving after the second period with a groin injury.
  • Beej also let up a goal on the first shot as we seem to be doing a lot this year.
  • Crosby kept his scoring streak alive (22 games) with a rare blow-it-by-him slapshot down the left wing that beat Tomas Vokoun.
  • Vokoun was pulled in the 1st period after Cookie made it 3-0
Drew was pumped to get his face in an All-Time Team picture. He loved the new arena as well. I was glad he was fit enough to book it up all those steps. I think he even bought me a beer or two when we were in there. I was super pumped he was able to make it out with me to see this game.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 6-2

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Game #30 Leafs W5-2

We Are Unstoppable

Originally I had invited Matt Weyandt with me to this game for his birthday but he told me the week before that he needed to work so he couldn't make it. I had Nate scheduled to ask for a later game but after I told him I had an opening for this game he was all too willing and we were set. Since Nate was working in Moon today I didn't have to really go anywhere or wait for anybody so I shot right down to the lot. So quickly in fact that it was too early for me to get in at the reduced price! I had to go kill some time so I found a spot on the side of the road and read some Harry Potter on my phone until I could get in. Once I got in I started drinking and chatting with Ale waiting for Nate. Unfortunately for him he was stuck in Pittsburgh rush hour traffic on the wrong side of the tunnel and I couldn't wait any longer. I walked down to the Souper Bowl and got a table and ordered food. I saw a Toronto fan in there and asked them if they were here for the first game but they were not. Things in the standings were a lot different then at that time. As soon as our wings got there Nate walked in. Perfect timing. We ate and walked over to the arena. recap
  • It only took about 8 mins for Crosby to get going with his first goal of the night he finished with 2 and I was worried I was going to lose another hat.
  • Letestu also had 2 goals, his first since his season opening hot streak stopped (22 games).
  • Orr and Engelland had a rematch fight and Engelland pounded the crap out of Orr for real. The NHL fighting torch has been passed. (Actually it was kind of close but still a win for our guy)
  • There were a ton more fights too that kept the excitement level high the whole game.
  • Some idiot behind us said something in the 3rd period about Fleury getting a shut-out. We both turned around and yelled at him and sure enough not 2 mins later Toronto scored. I should have kicked the shit out of that guy.
  • We this victory we took over the #1 spot in the NHL with the most points (42).
  • This was the 3rd game in the row Malkin sat out with a knee injury.
  • Nate met and got a picture with Gene Simmons
  • Dupuis had an amazing 2-on-0 shorthanded goal.
  • I finally saw a win against Toronto!! (previously 0-4)
Since no one really reads my blog I decided to make an album in Facebook with all these pictures as well so more people can see them. Now when people come with me they should know that this action is required and I didn't have any issues dragging Nate over to the kiosk.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 5-2

Friday, December 3, 2010

Game #27 Thrashers W3-2

The Streak Continues

I decided to ask my good friend Billy (Carl) from work to go with me to this game. I often talk to him about hockey and sports in general around the water cooler when things slow down at work and since I was moving to a different department I figured this would be a nice thing for us to do as I wouldn't be seeing Billy around too much after that.
We left on the shuttle together to go back to the lot and we got in his car. I gave him a few suggestions of what the usual plan is and where I usually go to eat food before the game but he didn't seem to want to do any of that and he actually suggested Taco Bell to me. : I was not eating at Taco Bell sorry. We ended up doing something we haven't done in a while. We went to D's in Regent Square. We went there a few times when he first started for beers and food after work but we haven't done it in years. It was a good time. We got good food had a few beers and it wasn't packed at all.
Now I don't know why but when we left instead of shooting right down to the arena, Billy decided to go some weird way that I never would have guessed. He went back down Washington Blvd and sort of went down along the river, the North Shore, to get there. I was very trafficy on that side but we had time and there was really no hurry anyway. We made it with plenty of time and I guided him to the $5 lot. It was time for some hockey!! recap
  • All fans in attendance received a free scarf.
  • Crosby had his first ever natural hat trick.
  • I had to throw my scarf.
  • It was his 2nd consecutive hat trick at home.
  • Has 21 goals in 27 games. Tied for league lead, fastest he's ever scored that many.
  • Bryan Little scored on the power play breaking our streak of 30 straight kills. We're still 1st in the league in that stat.
  • Ass Ham had a sweet fight with former Penguin Chris Thorburn 2 mins into the game.
  • After the 1st period one of the ice girls rammed into the boards at a high rate of speed when she went to hop off the ice. She appeared to be okay afterwards.
  • After the 2nd period while attempting to get out of the way of the zamboni a guy fell and then the guy with him fell when he tried to help him up. Luckily the zamboni was able to steer around them before they got creamed.
  • I saw a cameraman up in the upper bowl for the 1st time this year. He may have been up there because some section won free hot dogs and he needed to get footage of that and he wasn't just up there randomly. We'll see.
  • Fleury is 9-0-1 in his last 10 games after that horrific start.
  • Pens winning streak is at 8 and we took sole possession of 1st place in the division with this victory.
When I was telling Billy about the picture thing and steering him up the stairs over to the corner he fell behind or something and used his ticket to get in before we got the picture. He couldn't get back out after that and I was a little distressed. Luckily they allow you to go down there after the 1st period and we got to snap our photo at that time so we didn't miss this opportunity. You can see here that I did own one of those scarves for a few hours.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 4-2

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Game #21 Hurricanes W5-4

Staying on top!

I asked Jason to come with me to this game. We haven't hung out in a while but like my other buddies I know he is a hardcore Pens fan and I knew he would love to see a game with me and check out the new arena.
I had to go back to the Sheetz in Murrysville to pick him and up after work since he did not drive. I was okay with that since they saved me from going the whole way top Greensburg. We loaded up on some food and drinks and shot down to the lot. It was Light-Up Night tonight in Pittsburgh and there was a little extra traffic. After we parked and bullshitted a bit we finished off our drinks we went over to Pizza Milano to meet up with some other buddies. We chilled there for a while and had another beer until it was time to walk over for the game. I got a huge souvenir cup too! recap
  • Fleury let up another first shot goal in the first minute of play.
  • TB's Steven Stamkos had a huge night the day before (8-7 win over Flyers) and pulled away from Crosby in the scoring races. Crosby stormed right back with a goal and 3 assists to continue to keep it close.
  • Malkin had 3 assists putting him over 400 points in his career.
  • This is the fastest Crosby has gotten to 14 goals.
  • Fleury let up another last shot goal in the last minute of play which sent the game to overtime.
  • Fleury did not let up a shootout goal.
  • Tanger and Crosby scored shootout goals FTW!!

I made sure we did the picture thing. I was scared for a bit because it never got sent to my email until the next day. Usually I get it right away and when I didn't I thought there was a problem and I wasn't going to get it. When it finally showed up in my email the next day I was extremely happy. Now I realize how much I love these pics.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 3-2

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Game #7 Senators W5-2

Now we are rolling!

I asked Joel to come with me to this game. He works at the Tribune Review so he is going to trade me the complete Penguins All-Time Team Medallions Set for his ticket. He gets some kind of special email to get a set since he is an employee. I think that's a fair trade for a ticket.
I got home, ate something and made a drink and then he showed up before I was even expecting him. That was a change of pace from what I usually get from the people I know (everyone is always late). Not too much traffic so we got there well ahead of schedule. We hung out in the parking lot for a bit and then went down to Shale's for a beer before going in. recap
  • Sergei Gonchar's first game back to Pittsburgh since he left us via free agency on July 1st.
  • Brett Johnson's 3rd consecutive start (and win)
  • He's now 4-0
  • Power play was clicking tonight : 2 for 3
  • Mark Letestu is leading all rookie scorers with 7pts (4G, 3A)
  • Ottawa pulled Brian Elliot after we notched our 5th goal.
  • Deryk Engelland had another fight. This time with Chris Neil. Was not as good as his fight the other night. Score this one a boring draw.
  • We're still tied for 1st with the Islanders in the Atlantic with 8pts but they have played 2 fewer games.
  • First time both Geno and Sid scored goals in the same game in the new arena
Joel has seen the arena before because he went to the Paul McCartney concert that was the first event here ever. He said he used this kiosk to take his picture then but he must have typed his email in wrong because he said he never got it.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 2-2