Thursday, October 7, 2010

Game #1 Flyers L2-3

We lost the first game ever at the new arena. Can I say I still had a good time even though we lost this momentous game?

Instead of leaving work and trying to make it to the red carpet I had to go back to Monroeville to sit and wait for Matt to get there. At least I got to eat and follow some tweets about it as I started boozing for pregame. Lisa wanted Isaac to skip karate so she could watch the Pens game but I told her no. You can never tell what that woman has got going on in her mind.

Once Matt got there we took off and paid for our spot at the Crawford lot. It was packed. Matt spilled his drink like he does every time. Once we were in proper game form we headed down. recap

Here are some of the highlights:
  • Danny Briere got the first goal ever in the new arena
  • Tyler Kennedy got the first Pens goal ever in the new arena
  • We lost the first game ever at the Civic Arena too back in the day
  • Letang made a bonehead bad move resulting in a turnover that the Flyers got a shortie on to pretty much put it away.
  • We did score like 20 secs later on the pp to bring it to within 3-2 but that wouldn't be enough
  • Crosby and Malkin were scoreless
  • This was not a typical Pens/Flyers game. There was almost no scrappiness or fights or anything. The Flyers just played hockey?!!? *SHOCK
I couldn't get my picture before the game started. We went in the Verizon gate and for some reason they wouldn't let us go down the stairs to the kiosk thing even though no one was using it. We ended up going out this way so this pic was after the game as you may be able to tell from my sourpuss.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 0-1

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