Thursday, December 23, 2010

Game #35 Panthers W5-2

Keep on rolling

We had a set back last week when we faced 2 of our division rivals but we started off this week just fine and continue to roll with another big win heading into our first match up against our hated rivals (and Winter Classic opponent) Washington Capitals.
I knew my friend Drew Carter was coming up for holidays and I asked him a while back if he wanted to go with me to this game. Of course he did but he needed to work out his trip schedule as this would be a day or so earlier than what he originally anticipated coming up. Luckily he was able to swing this and he left the day before so he had plenty of time to get up here and get back into sorts (after the 12 hour drive). He was right on time picking me up and as usual we loaded up on foods and drinks and headed down to the lot. recap

  • Ben Lovejoy scored the first goal of his NHL career (31 games) and added his first fight for good measure before leaving the game after taking a shot to the face.
  • Matt Cooke scored in consecutive games for the first time since March 27-28, 2010.
  • Brent Johnson earned the victory and was credited with an assist before leaving after the second period with a groin injury.
  • Beej also let up a goal on the first shot as we seem to be doing a lot this year.
  • Crosby kept his scoring streak alive (22 games) with a rare blow-it-by-him slapshot down the left wing that beat Tomas Vokoun.
  • Vokoun was pulled in the 1st period after Cookie made it 3-0
Drew was pumped to get his face in an All-Time Team picture. He loved the new arena as well. I was glad he was fit enough to book it up all those steps. I think he even bought me a beer or two when we were in there. I was super pumped he was able to make it out with me to see this game.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 6-2

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Game #30 Leafs W5-2

We Are Unstoppable

Originally I had invited Matt Weyandt with me to this game for his birthday but he told me the week before that he needed to work so he couldn't make it. I had Nate scheduled to ask for a later game but after I told him I had an opening for this game he was all too willing and we were set. Since Nate was working in Moon today I didn't have to really go anywhere or wait for anybody so I shot right down to the lot. So quickly in fact that it was too early for me to get in at the reduced price! I had to go kill some time so I found a spot on the side of the road and read some Harry Potter on my phone until I could get in. Once I got in I started drinking and chatting with Ale waiting for Nate. Unfortunately for him he was stuck in Pittsburgh rush hour traffic on the wrong side of the tunnel and I couldn't wait any longer. I walked down to the Souper Bowl and got a table and ordered food. I saw a Toronto fan in there and asked them if they were here for the first game but they were not. Things in the standings were a lot different then at that time. As soon as our wings got there Nate walked in. Perfect timing. We ate and walked over to the arena. recap
  • It only took about 8 mins for Crosby to get going with his first goal of the night he finished with 2 and I was worried I was going to lose another hat.
  • Letestu also had 2 goals, his first since his season opening hot streak stopped (22 games).
  • Orr and Engelland had a rematch fight and Engelland pounded the crap out of Orr for real. The NHL fighting torch has been passed. (Actually it was kind of close but still a win for our guy)
  • There were a ton more fights too that kept the excitement level high the whole game.
  • Some idiot behind us said something in the 3rd period about Fleury getting a shut-out. We both turned around and yelled at him and sure enough not 2 mins later Toronto scored. I should have kicked the shit out of that guy.
  • We this victory we took over the #1 spot in the NHL with the most points (42).
  • This was the 3rd game in the row Malkin sat out with a knee injury.
  • Nate met and got a picture with Gene Simmons
  • Dupuis had an amazing 2-on-0 shorthanded goal.
  • I finally saw a win against Toronto!! (previously 0-4)
Since no one really reads my blog I decided to make an album in Facebook with all these pictures as well so more people can see them. Now when people come with me they should know that this action is required and I didn't have any issues dragging Nate over to the kiosk.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 5-2

Friday, December 3, 2010

Game #27 Thrashers W3-2

The Streak Continues

I decided to ask my good friend Billy (Carl) from work to go with me to this game. I often talk to him about hockey and sports in general around the water cooler when things slow down at work and since I was moving to a different department I figured this would be a nice thing for us to do as I wouldn't be seeing Billy around too much after that.
We left on the shuttle together to go back to the lot and we got in his car. I gave him a few suggestions of what the usual plan is and where I usually go to eat food before the game but he didn't seem to want to do any of that and he actually suggested Taco Bell to me. : I was not eating at Taco Bell sorry. We ended up doing something we haven't done in a while. We went to D's in Regent Square. We went there a few times when he first started for beers and food after work but we haven't done it in years. It was a good time. We got good food had a few beers and it wasn't packed at all.
Now I don't know why but when we left instead of shooting right down to the arena, Billy decided to go some weird way that I never would have guessed. He went back down Washington Blvd and sort of went down along the river, the North Shore, to get there. I was very trafficy on that side but we had time and there was really no hurry anyway. We made it with plenty of time and I guided him to the $5 lot. It was time for some hockey!! recap
  • All fans in attendance received a free scarf.
  • Crosby had his first ever natural hat trick.
  • I had to throw my scarf.
  • It was his 2nd consecutive hat trick at home.
  • Has 21 goals in 27 games. Tied for league lead, fastest he's ever scored that many.
  • Bryan Little scored on the power play breaking our streak of 30 straight kills. We're still 1st in the league in that stat.
  • Ass Ham had a sweet fight with former Penguin Chris Thorburn 2 mins into the game.
  • After the 1st period one of the ice girls rammed into the boards at a high rate of speed when she went to hop off the ice. She appeared to be okay afterwards.
  • After the 2nd period while attempting to get out of the way of the zamboni a guy fell and then the guy with him fell when he tried to help him up. Luckily the zamboni was able to steer around them before they got creamed.
  • I saw a cameraman up in the upper bowl for the 1st time this year. He may have been up there because some section won free hot dogs and he needed to get footage of that and he wasn't just up there randomly. We'll see.
  • Fleury is 9-0-1 in his last 10 games after that horrific start.
  • Pens winning streak is at 8 and we took sole possession of 1st place in the division with this victory.
When I was telling Billy about the picture thing and steering him up the stairs over to the corner he fell behind or something and used his ticket to get in before we got the picture. He couldn't get back out after that and I was a little distressed. Luckily they allow you to go down there after the 1st period and we got to snap our photo at that time so we didn't miss this opportunity. You can see here that I did own one of those scarves for a few hours.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 4-2

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Game #21 Hurricanes W5-4

Staying on top!

I asked Jason to come with me to this game. We haven't hung out in a while but like my other buddies I know he is a hardcore Pens fan and I knew he would love to see a game with me and check out the new arena.
I had to go back to the Sheetz in Murrysville to pick him and up after work since he did not drive. I was okay with that since they saved me from going the whole way top Greensburg. We loaded up on some food and drinks and shot down to the lot. It was Light-Up Night tonight in Pittsburgh and there was a little extra traffic. After we parked and bullshitted a bit we finished off our drinks we went over to Pizza Milano to meet up with some other buddies. We chilled there for a while and had another beer until it was time to walk over for the game. I got a huge souvenir cup too! recap
  • Fleury let up another first shot goal in the first minute of play.
  • TB's Steven Stamkos had a huge night the day before (8-7 win over Flyers) and pulled away from Crosby in the scoring races. Crosby stormed right back with a goal and 3 assists to continue to keep it close.
  • Malkin had 3 assists putting him over 400 points in his career.
  • This is the fastest Crosby has gotten to 14 goals.
  • Fleury let up another last shot goal in the last minute of play which sent the game to overtime.
  • Fleury did not let up a shootout goal.
  • Tanger and Crosby scored shootout goals FTW!!

I made sure we did the picture thing. I was scared for a bit because it never got sent to my email until the next day. Usually I get it right away and when I didn't I thought there was a problem and I wasn't going to get it. When it finally showed up in my email the next day I was extremely happy. Now I realize how much I love these pics.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 3-2

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Game #7 Senators W5-2

Now we are rolling!

I asked Joel to come with me to this game. He works at the Tribune Review so he is going to trade me the complete Penguins All-Time Team Medallions Set for his ticket. He gets some kind of special email to get a set since he is an employee. I think that's a fair trade for a ticket.
I got home, ate something and made a drink and then he showed up before I was even expecting him. That was a change of pace from what I usually get from the people I know (everyone is always late). Not too much traffic so we got there well ahead of schedule. We hung out in the parking lot for a bit and then went down to Shale's for a beer before going in. recap
  • Sergei Gonchar's first game back to Pittsburgh since he left us via free agency on July 1st.
  • Brett Johnson's 3rd consecutive start (and win)
  • He's now 4-0
  • Power play was clicking tonight : 2 for 3
  • Mark Letestu is leading all rookie scorers with 7pts (4G, 3A)
  • Ottawa pulled Brian Elliot after we notched our 5th goal.
  • Deryk Engelland had another fight. This time with Chris Neil. Was not as good as his fight the other night. Score this one a boring draw.
  • We're still tied for 1st with the Islanders in the Atlantic with 8pts but they have played 2 fewer games.
  • First time both Geno and Sid scored goals in the same game in the new arena
Joel has seen the arena before because he went to the Paul McCartney concert that was the first event here ever. He said he used this kiosk to take his picture then but he must have typed his email in wrong because he said he never got it.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 2-2

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Game #5 Islanders W3-2


Mr Isaac Michael accompanied me to the game this evening. This was part of his birthday present I guess you could say. He must be good luck because we finally got victory #1 in the new arena. That makes me feel good because now not only can he say for the rest of his life that he did attend a game in the old Civic Arena (which he says he sort of remembers) but he also attended the very first victory ever at the new arena! No one can take that away from him. recap
  • Eric Goddard has a good fight with Trevor Gillies early on. He was dominating at first but didn't win the 2nd half of the fight I'd say.
  • We sucked big on the power play 0-7 until the PPG in OT, they did start listening to our cries of 'SHOOT THE PUCK' about after 4-5 power plays.
  • People were booing the Pens. Those people should not be allowed to go to any more games.
  • Kris Letang got kicked out of the game when he leveled Blake Comeau. The refs thought it was a hit to the head which it clearly wasn't when you saw the replay.
  • The refs were absolutely horrible all game.
  • I discovered that the prize blimp never goes an where near the upper bowl.
  • Apparently neither do the cameraman. Isaac was dancing like a nut all game to get on the screen and was not rewarded for his efforts.
  • He did do fantastic cheering and screaming throughout the game. All the people sitting around him thought he was funny the stuff he was yelling.
  • He did get delirious towards the end of the game though. He was up way past his bedtime.
  • The girl sitting in front of us totally biffed it when she was walking back to her seat at one point. I don't know if she was drunk or what but she almost had a bad, bad fall. Luckily the dude in the next row caught her on his lap but he was not happy she spilled his $8 beer.
  • The old people next to us left with the game tied and over 10 min to go. WTF?! They shouldn't be allowed back either.
  • I finally caught wind of the Cotton Candy Guy. I had not seen hide nor hair of him the 1st few games.
  • Eric Tangradi got his first ever NHL goal.
  • The 1st two goals scored by the Pens were by the two Penguins who have Twitter, Rupp and Tangradi.
  • Goligoski scored his first ever game winning OT goal.
  • I'm 9-0 when I go see us play the Islanders
  • I'm 2-0 when Isaac is with me
I found that the parking lot (LC Parking I think it's called) over by Mercy hospital is big and usually half empty and although it's a few more blocks away thatn I'm used to walking - it's only $5. I think I might park here all the time then. Isaac and I parked here and ate our Sheetz dinner then walked over a bit early so he could look around in the stores at the Pens gear. We had to take this photo twice since he wasn't looking in the direction the first time around.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 1-2

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Game #4 Leafs L3-4

I called my buddy David Gall to come with me to this game because I know he's a huge Pens fan as I am so I knew he'd be pumped. He brought a lot of good energy with him but unfortunately it was not enough and we dropped our 3rd straight at the new arena. recap
  • Deryk Engelland had an intense fight with NHL tough guy Colton Orr and ended up taking him down hard. It was a really good energizing scrap.
  • Crosby got his first goal in the new arena
  • So did Talbot and Kunitz
  • Toronto had 14 shots
  • Fluery just isn't looking good like he was in the preseason. If he doesn't step it up soon the fickle Pittsburgh fans are going to turn on him
  • This loss drops me to 0-4 when I go to a Leafs game
  • The Dr Billy G was in Mario's box with him and got a standing O when they showed a video tribute to his time in da Burgh
We walked in down at the American Eagle gate which is one place I had yet to walk thru yet so that was cool. Since we were down low we got to use the kiosk before the game. This is probably the best picture so far. :D

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 0-2

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Game #1 Flyers L2-3

We lost the first game ever at the new arena. Can I say I still had a good time even though we lost this momentous game?

Instead of leaving work and trying to make it to the red carpet I had to go back to Monroeville to sit and wait for Matt to get there. At least I got to eat and follow some tweets about it as I started boozing for pregame. Lisa wanted Isaac to skip karate so she could watch the Pens game but I told her no. You can never tell what that woman has got going on in her mind.

Once Matt got there we took off and paid for our spot at the Crawford lot. It was packed. Matt spilled his drink like he does every time. Once we were in proper game form we headed down. recap

Here are some of the highlights:
  • Danny Briere got the first goal ever in the new arena
  • Tyler Kennedy got the first Pens goal ever in the new arena
  • We lost the first game ever at the Civic Arena too back in the day
  • Letang made a bonehead bad move resulting in a turnover that the Flyers got a shortie on to pretty much put it away.
  • We did score like 20 secs later on the pp to bring it to within 3-2 but that wouldn't be enough
  • Crosby and Malkin were scoreless
  • This was not a typical Pens/Flyers game. There was almost no scrappiness or fights or anything. The Flyers just played hockey?!!? *SHOCK
I couldn't get my picture before the game started. We went in the Verizon gate and for some reason they wouldn't let us go down the stairs to the kiosk thing even though no one was using it. We ended up going out this way so this pic was after the game as you may be able to tell from my sourpuss.

uwvark27's 2010-11 record: 0-1

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Well the Mario Mosaic has been posted online as well as hung in the new arena (which I will see live tomorrow for the first regular season game ever!!)

It was up yesterday but I guess so many people were trying to see it the website was not working properly and then they just took it down and replaced it with a jpeg for a few hours. It is up now though and working fine. I found my pic too!! CHECK IT OUT!!

Pretty exciting eh!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Time Is Nearly Upon Us

I stayed home on doctor's orders today. I am supposed to relax and let this medicine kick in so my lungs will get better. I actually did sleep okay until around 11am when I got up. I've been coughing since then.

But my brain was not so out of it that I didn't subconsciously hear the UPS man go down the street and suddenly stop. I didn't think anything of it for a few minutes until I heard the truck start back up again and continue on its way.


Sure enough there was a little white envelope on my porch contains 9 months of joyous hockey pleasure in a brand new arena (in which they totally screwed us on our seats).

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Buh-Bye Civic Arena

I'm not sure what these people are talking about when they say we need to save and reuse the old Civic Arena. We have a brand new arena now and anything that you might use the old one for can now be moved over. The fact is there will be a lot of new things coming now that we wouldn't have seen before because the crappiness of the Civic Arena was keeping them away. Don't these people realize that to keep the old arena you will need to pay to maintain it? I've been there and I see how badly that place is falling apart.

I know we all have memories there, etc but the time has come to move on. I've heard someone say previously 'If they demolished Yankee Stadium then they can demolish the Civic Arena' and I find that to be true. All these other cities aren't keeping their old arenas around when the new ones get built. Not even ones with as much history as Yankee Stadium (FYI, I am not a Yankee fan) It just doesn't seem like a viable option. Just because it COULD be used for such and such a purpose doesn't mean that it SHOULD. Just because it might be a cool idea to do this and that and the other thing to it to make it useful doesn't mean that someone is going to pony up the money to make that happen, especially when there is going to be very little return from it.

When grandma dies we don't prop her up in the corner and use her for other purposes. We look at our old photos, remember the good times and move on. That is what we need to do here. Sure it'll be hard to see it go but something new and cool will go in its place and we'll all grow to love that just as much and maybe even more.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Consol Energy Center First Look

Today I got to see the arena for the first time. It's definitely new and nice. I don't know how happy we are with our seats. I understand the upper bowl is UP more rather than BACK the way the old arena was but it seems like we are slightly more right than we were before too and that ain't cool. Plus we're 4 rows from the very back? Where the heck did all the section E & F people go? They stuffed them all behind us? I don't think so.

Since is was a free tour everything was open to us. We got to walk around in all the clubs and stuff that we will probably never have access to during a regular event so that was neat to see that.

They also have these screens at the entrance that they call the 'Interactive Hall Of Fame'. You can pick a player and touch the screen and see all their stats and videos of their greatest plays, etc. It's all pretty neat stuff.

There is also this one machine at the end with a circle on the ground that once you touch the screen it displays a countdown. You stand in the circle and pose and it will take your picture when it hits 0. You can then type in your email and it will send it to you. That is cool. I think I am going to try and do that for every game and make a collection. Here is the pic from the tour.

All in all I was very impressed. Definitely better than the poor old, falling apart Civic Arena. I can't wait to see some games here!! :D

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Winter Classic 2011 Announced: Official Now

Well now it's officially official.

The NHL and Gary Bettman announced today at a press conference at Heinz Field the 2011 Winter Classic.

Supposedly us Penguin season ticket holders will get a letter sent next week that details our window of opportunity to get tickets for this event. I wonder how many we are allowed to get? This is going to be so kick ass. I can't wait.

More Details:
ESPN blog


Only 71 days till hockey!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

World Cup 2010

This is just a quick recap because like most Americans I didn't pay too much attention to this.

I know that the US made it out of qualifying but lost to Ghana which shouldn't have happened. I switched teams at that point and started rooting for Argentina but they ended up getting pounded by Germany 4-0. The next round had Germany losing to Spain which set up the final - Spain v Netherlands.

Spain ended up winning 1-0 in a bunch of extra time. Congrats to them. It was their first World Cup Championship ever.

The real winner was me because my gf brought me up a vuvuzela from Buenos Aires. :D

Friday, June 11, 2010

2010 NHL Playoff Tracker - Round 4


#7 Philadelphia Flyers v #2 Chicago Blackhawks
Game 1 Flyers 5, Blackhawks 6
Game 2 Flyers 1, Blackhawks 2
Game 3 Blackhawks 3, Flyers 4 OT
Game 4 Blackhawks 3, Flyers 5
Game 5 Flyers 4, Blackhawks 7
Game 6 Blackhawks 4, Flyers 3 OT
#2 Chicago Blackhawks WIN 4-2

It's over! The end of the world has been averted. The CRYERS have lost!! All hail the 2010 Stanley Cup Champion Chicago Blackhawks!!

I cannot believe this is who is playing for the Stanley Cup this year. Ok the Blackhawks I have no problem with but the Flyers? What in the hell has gone on with the Eastern Conference? After the first round it looks like the Pens were good to go. Both of the teams we couldn't beat in the regular season (Devils, Caps) were out. Everyone sort of expected the Flyers to be a good match up with Devils. They were the one team the Devils couldn't beat all year but who would have predicted the Caps going down like that. They were up 3-1 and Montreal just caught fire and came back. I know I was cheering for them at that point. That was one of the greatest upsets to ever happen in sports. Little did we know that was just the start of the craziness in the Eastern Conference.

When the 2nd round started we all seemed to be confident that OMG the Pens got this. Easy road back to the Finals. Take out the upstart Habs and whichever team limps out of the other series and we're in. When depleted Boston went up 3 games to none of the Flyers that one seemed like it was a no-brainer, we'd play them, but the Flyers fought back. Just like the Habs in the first round they found their game and won one game at a game, eroding Boston's confidence and posting only the 3rd series win when down 3-0 in NHL history. I didn't get to see every game in that series but the difference from Game 1 to Game 7 was like nothing I've ever seen.

Well good for them but it didn't matter. The Pens took out the Flyers in the 2 previous years we went to the Cup Finals. It's no thing to do it again but first take care of these Habs and that was proving problematic. Just like the Caps before them the Pens dominated play for large stretches of time and pounded them with shots. We should have won every game 5-1 but it wasn't happening like that. They were just taking our punishment just like they did with the Caps and holding strong. Then one little turnover or slip up and they would charge back and put a shot past Fleury. I don't put all the blame on Fleury. He had to sit there for long stretches of time and not see any play then all of a sudden a guy would be barreling all alone on him and that's not exactly fair but still, you got to make those key saves. No doubt the Habs were in Fleury's mind and had his number for this series. We were still able to eke out some wins and Fleury did play exceptional in a few games (had 1 shutout, should of had 2) but the series still went win-loss up until Game 7 when it would have been our turn to win. However this was not to be. It was 4-0 at one point and we lost sending the Habs on to the next round and our dreams of repeating as Champions crashing down.

The Habs took out the (arguably) two best teams in the conference. Was this their year of destiny? Alas it was not to be. The Flyers much as they easily handled the Devils trapping style took care of Montreal in 5 games and punched their ticket to the Finals.

No matter what happens. I strongly dislike the Flyers and their fans. They are our hated rivals and they probably want us to win as much as I want them to: NOT AT ALL!! I would have been okay with the Habs winning. To lose to the eventual winner is one thing but the stinkin' Flyers? They didn't even make the playoffs until the last day of the regular season. They had to win in a shootout versus the Rangers to get in. I'll accept that they have played their best games at the best times but I will not accept that they will win this year.

The problem is if the Blackhawks win then Marian Hossa will finally get his Cup. This will be the 3rd year in a row he made it to the Finals. Amazing! Three years in a row on three different teams even. First player to ever do that. Boy would it suck to lose all three times. Now I know some people in Pittsburgh have a huge problem with him. He made some regrettable comments when he left Pittsburgh to go to Detroit and yeah so what? He may be a douchebag but he's suffered enough. Losing in the Finals is bad enough but two years in a row is worse. It's not like he is the reason the Blackhawks are doing so well anyway. He was mainly a passenger on all his Finals trips except for when he was a Penguin. Crosby made him better and he's not contributed that much at all this year either but him winning doesn't matter to me at all. Good for him.

Much as I can't imagine how my sporting life as a Steelers fan would have gone on if the Patroits would have completed that undefeated season I don't know how I'd cope having to call the Cryers the Stanley Cup Champs!! Not going to happen. Chicago in 6!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Winter Classic 2011 Announced

The Winter Classic has been announced for next year. Source

Apparently there will be a more formal announcement tomorrow than I will link here then.

The game will be played on JANUARY 1, 2011 at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

between our hometown PITTSBURGH PENGUINS and our hated rivals the WASHINGTON CAPITALS

Luckily Matt and I have season tickets. There better be no way that we get screwed out of this like how we couldn't get tickets for when it was in Buffalo. I was on the website and the phone from 30 min before ticket sales started to 15 after and they could not get us 6 tickets. Needless to say I was not happy about that. I have faith though that since it's in Pittsburgh this time we will find a way to hook up with tickets. We'll have to book a room down Pittsburgh that night and have ourselves a New Year's party for the ages!!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

2010 NHL Playoff Tracker - Round 3


#7 Philadelphia Flyers v #8 Montreal Canadiens
Game 1 Canadiens 0, Flyers 6
Game 2 Canadiens 0, Flyers 3
Game 3 Flyers 1, Canadiens 5
Game 4 Flyers 3, Canadiens 0
Game 5 Canadiens 2, Flyers 4
#7 Philadelphia Flyers WIN 4-1


#1 San Jose Sharks v #2 Chicago Blackhawks
Game 1 Blackhawks 2, Sharks 1
Game 2 Blackhawks 4, Sharks 2
Game 3 Sharks 2, Blackhawks 3 OT
Game 4 Sharks 2, Blackhawks 4
#2 Chicago Blackhawks WIN 4-0

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Marc's Penguins Playoff Beard Progress


Playoff Beard Week 3
Playoff Beard Week 2
Playoff Beard Week 1

Well I guess I don't have to keep doing this since we lost. It didn't seem to work this year. :(


The playoff beard worked last year here is the video of me shaving on the successful 2009 Stanley Cup Champion Pittsburgh Penguins playoff run beard off.

Pens vs Habs Game 7 POST

Well I feel like saying 'I can't believe it!!' but for some reason I can. Getting beat in Game 6 must have prepared me for this. Truthfully I don't even feel as bad now as I did after Game 6 even though the season is over. No Stanley Cup for us this year. All the top seeds fell and we had a clear, easy shot to the finals but we couldn't get it done. We can't even make fun of the Caps fans that much now because we lost too. It's crazy! We all need to root for them to win the Cup now so neither of us look that bad.

From what I saw the Canadiens just wanted it more. They had nothing to lose so they just went for it. We could not win any battles in their end. It was extremely disheartening to watch. We could pound away at them over and over and with their collapsing five guys around the net strategy we could not get to any rebounds. Eventually the puck would squirt loose and they race away down to our end and put a wild shot on net and score. I love Fleury as much as the next guy and I don't want to pick on any particular player or call anyone out but the Canadiens just had Fleury's number this round. No one can deny that. They were just putting the most wild shots on net and somehow picking corners on Fleury. In any other game against any other team Fleury would be stopping those shots. I don't understand that either. Whatever it was I can only think what if we would have pulled him when it was only 2-0? At 4-0 it was just a little too much to come back from. I think everyone could just feel the security when Beej went in. Now we could concentrate on offense and not have to worry about some random flopper shot getting in. I hate saying that but it was true. What were you going to do? I have faith though that Fleury will work hard during the summer and be even better next year.

Very disappointed is the only way I can describe this year's playoffs. We had a great season but we wanted the Cup. We were supposed to win. :( At least it's only ~140 days till next season starts. I'm going to have a lot more time on my hands until then to get stuff done.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pens vs Habs Game 7 PRE

Well on 05/12 there will be a game 7. I can't believe it. I have been in a mega sour mood since the loss last night but I am hoping to snap out of it soon. I don't know how the Habs are doing this to us. I didn't know how they did it to the Caps either but at least then I thought it was funny. I don't like it going on to us though. Fleury looked like he let in another couple of softies but for the most part we played a good game. It's just mind blowing to me. We've played excellent all series. It shouldn't even be close. We are dominating them for 5/6th of every game but it seems like one teeny tiny mistake and they get an amazing rush of it and score. Their goalie can't hold up like that to us for much longer. We will crack him and be victorious. All I can hope for is the Win one, Lose one game keeps playing because it should be our turn to win one next and that's all it will take. We will not go down like this!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2010 NHL Playoff Tracker - Round 2


#4 Pittsburgh Penguins v #8 Montreal Canadiens
Game 1 Canadiens 3, Penguins 6
Game 2 Canadiens 3, Penguins 1
Game 3 Penguins 2, Canadiens 0
Game 4 Penguins 2, Canadiens 3
Game 5 Canadiens 1, Penguins 2
Game 6 Penguins 3, Canadiens 4
Game 7 Canadiens 5, Penguins 2
#8 Montreal Canadiens WIN 4-3

#6 Boston Bruins v #7 Philadelphia Flyers
Game 1 Flyers 4, Bruins 5
Game 2 Flyers 2, Bruins 3
Game 3 Bruins 4, Flyers 1
Game 4 Bruins 4, Flyers 5
Game 5 Flyers 4, Bruins 0
Game 6 Bruins 1, Flyers 2
Game 7 Flyers 4, Bruins 3
#7 Philadelphia Flyers WIN 4-3


#1 San Jose Sharks v #5 Detroit Red Wings
Game 1 Red Wings 3, Sharks 4
Game 2 Red Wings 3, Sharks 4
Game 3 Sharks 4, Red Wings 3 OT
Game 4 Sharks 1, Red Wings 7
Game 5 Red Wings 1, Sharks 2
#1 San Jose Sharks WIN 4-1

#2 Chicago Blackhawks v #3 Vancouver Canucks
Game 1 Canucks 5, Blackhawks 1
Game 2 Canucks 2, Blackhawks 4
Game 3 Blackhawks 5, Canucks 2
Game 4 Blackhawks 7, Canucks 4
Game 5 Canucks 4, Blackhawks 1
Game 6 Blackhawks 5, Canucks 1
#2 Chicago Blackhawks WIN 4-2

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Last Regular Season Game @ the Igloo

Marc's Adventures of the last regular season game ever at the Igloo.

For some reason while I work I noticed that I forgot to bring my camera. Did I think that my iPhone camera was going to be sufficient enough? Not sure where my head was at when I left this house this morning. Now usually I don't ever go the whole way back to my neighborhood on the day of a Pens game because it's a waste of gas and time but the more I thought about it the more I knew that I was definitely going to need it. I planned that if I shot out of here a bit early I could make it back before Matt even left the area. It would actually be easier this way because we wouldn't have either of our cars at a mid-point destination. So I called Matt and let him know what was up. I made it home got my camera that I knew I had recently charged. I grabbed my booze and made a quick drink while I waited for him to show and shortly we were on our way. First stop was Sheetz to get some drinks and grub.

I saw a funny thing as we walked in the Sheetz. Some lady in a huge SUV decided to park her self right on the lined off space where the handi cap ramp was. This always get my goat for some reason. Why do these SUV driving a-holes think it's ok? Because no one has the guts to call them on it? I stood right in front of it though and pulled out my camera. I made sure to speak loudly as I tapped Matt on the shoulder as I started taking pictures and said 'Hey good thing my wheel chair bound grandma isn't here'. As the lady got out and walked towards the door, that made sure she knew she was busted. I heard her mutter something like 'I didn't even notice' and to her credit she did get into her vehicle and move to a properly designated spot. Consider my civic duty done for the day. ;) We got our supplies and headed down 22 to the arena.

We parked in our normal parking area and got out to start tailgating. It was a little rainy but it wasn't too bad. We stuffed our faces with our Sheetz and got into a Pens game kind of mode. It's almost game time. Time to walk down.

We knew we were getting these commemorative tickets but I didn't realize how awesome they were going to be. They ran a video later between periods that showed the company that made them and how they did it. It was all very impressive. I was glad to get one. I saw berfore the game how much tickets were going for but I knew I was never going to sell these. Included was a coupon to go back to the company and get our actual section, row and seat engraved on. I might do that someday.

Since this was the last game they had a whole ceremony planned out. Mario invited 50 former Penguins back for this event. They laid out some carpet on the ice and called them all out together. There were some good memories stirred up. I recorded some video of it.

As for the game, that was awesome too. I have never been to a Pens game where we have played the NY Islanders and lost yet. First Pd we score 30 secs in and just rolled from there. It seems when I get in a groove I just give off good energy and the crowd around me knows it. In the 3rd period they played an arena favorite, Coton Eyed Joe, and even though I'm not a dancer I got up and started jamming. A few seconds later there I was on the Jumbrotron in front of every one getting down. Everyone around me went nuts as they all saw it and I got plenty of high fives and pats on the back. The guy next to us commented that he hopes we stay seated next to each other when we move to the new arena because he loves sitting next to us. I think the camera guys have learned where I'm at too because I have discovered if I just make an idiot out of myself, they film me. This was not the first time I was on the screen but it was the best. The absolute perfect memory for this arenas send off.

After we destroyed the Islanders 7-3 we stayed for the famous last game of every year post game ceremony, the Shirt 's Off Their Backs. All the Pens come out still wearing their jerseys and in numerical they take a photo with the winner, remove their jersey and sign it, and then give it to you. So far I've been to 3 last games in a row and not won yet but it's still exciting.

I ended up going 8-4-1 this year in games I attended. I'll post my lifetime numbers here when I have them readily available.

I'm sad to see this arena go. It's the only one I've ever really known but it is kind of crappy and falling apart. It's a bummer to think about but after a season in the new arena I won't even remember it that much. I'm glad I took a lot of pictures over the years. I know some people are trying to save it for some reason but we need to move on. The new arena will be kick ass and I can't wait for it but thanks Civic Arena (I never switched what I called it) for hosting our Pens all these years!!

2010 NHL Playoff Tracker - Round 1


#1 Washington Capitals v# 8 Montreal Canadiens
Game 1 Canadiens 3, Capitals 2 OT
Game 2 Canadiens 5, Capitals 6
Game 3 Capitals 5, Canadiens 1
Game 4 Capitals 6, Canadiens 3
Game 5 Canadiens 2, Capitals 1
Game 6 Capitals 1, Canadiens 4
Game 7 Canadiens 2, Capitals 1
#8 Montreal Canadiens WIN 4-3

#2 NJ Devils v #7 Philadelphia Flyers
Game 1 Flyers 2, Devils 1
Game 2 Flyers 3, Devils 5
Game 3 Devils 2, Flyers 3
Game 4 Devils 1, Flyers 4
Game 5 Flyers 3, Devils 0
#7 Philadelphia Flyers WIN 4-1

#3 Buffalo Sabres v #6 Boston Bruins
Game 1 Bruins 1, Sabres 2
Game 2 Bruins 5, Sabres 3
Game 3 Sabres 1, Bruins 2
Game 4 Sabres 2, Bruins 3
Game 5 Bruins 1, Sabres 4
Game 4 Sabres 3, Bruins 4
#6 Boston Bruins WIN 4-2

#4 Pittsburgh Penguins v #5 Ottawa Senators
Game 1 Senators 5, Penguins 4
Game 2 Senators 1, Penguins 2
Game 3 Penguins 4, Senators 2
Game 4 Penguins 7, Senators 4
Game 5 Senators 4, Penguins 3 3OT
Game 6 Penguins 4, Senators 3 OT
#4 Pittsburgh Penguins WIN 4-2


#1 San Jose Sharks v# 8 Colorado Avalanche
Game 1 Avalanche 2, Sharks 1
Game 2 Avalanche 5, Sharks 6 OT
Game 3 Sharks 0, Avalanche 1 OT
Game 4 Sharks 2, Avalanche 1 OT
Game 5 Avalanche 0, Sharks 5
Game 6 Sharks 5, Avalanche 2
#1 San Jose Sharks WIN 4-2

#2 Chicago Blackhawks v #7 Nashville Predators
Game 1 Predators 4, Blackhawks 1
Game 2 Predators 0, Blackhawks 2
Game 3 Blackhawks 1, Predators 4
Game 4 Blackhawks 3, Predators 0
Game 5 Predators 4, Blackhawks 5
Game 6 Blackhawks 5, Predators 3
#2 Chicago Blackhawks WIN 4-2

#3 Vancouver Canucks v #6 LA Kings
Game 1 Kings 2, Canucks 3 OT
Game 2 Kings 3, Canucks 2 OT
Game 3 Canucks 3, Kings 5
Game 4 Canucks 6, Kings 4
Game 5 Kings 2, Canucks 7
Game 6 Canucks 4, Kings 2
#3 Vancouver Canucks WIN 4-2

#4 Phoenix Coyotes v #5 Detroit Red Wings
Game 1 Red Wings 2, Coyotes 3
Game 2 Red Wings 7, Coyotes 4
Game 3 Coyotes 4, Red Wings 2
Game 4 Coyotes 0, Red Wings 3
Game 5 Red Wings 4, Coyotes 1
Game 6 Coyotes 5, Red Wings 2
Game 7 Red Wings 6, Coyotes 1
#5 Detroit Red Wings WIN 4-3

Capitals Lose To Montreal in Game 7

Can anyone believe this? This is one of the biggest upsets in sports playoffs in history. No #1 seed had ever lost to a #8 seed after being up 3-1.

scored 101 more goals
had 33 more points
15 more wins
They were almost unbeatable at home in the regular season.
They were favorites to take on Crosby and the Penguins and take their crown as the new Stanley Cup Champions.
None of that mattered. None of that happened.

Game 1 Canadiens 3, Capitals 2 OT
Game 2 Canadiens 5, Capitals 6
Game 3 Capitals 5, Canadiens 1
Game 4 Capitals 6, Canadiens 3
Game 5 Canadiens 2, Capitals 1